Safety Action Center FAQs

Important Contacts

If you spot a Downed Line or Gas Leak

  • Leave the area immediately, call 9-1-1 and then PG&E at 1-800-743-5000

24-Hour Customer Service Line/ Power Outage Information:

Always call 9-1-1 during an emergency.
Sign up for outage alerts
Fire Safety

Practice Fire Safety

What is defensible space?

California law requires 100 feet of defensible space around your home or to the property line. This is the buffer between your home and grass, trees, shrubs or wildland around it. Here’s how you can create defensible space:

  • Leave space between planted vegetation
  • Create fuel breaks, like driveways and gravel pathways
  • Dispose of tree trimming and debris quickly
  • Cut down grass to a maximum height of 4 inches
  • Remove surface litter such as leaves and pine needles
  • Remove lower tree branches
  • Keep rain gutters clear
  • Move flammable materials away from your home
  • Separate flammable items, like furniture, away from trees and shrubs
  • Landscape with fire-resistant plants
  • Trim branches that hang over your roof
  • Only plant low-growing shrubs or trees near power lines

Check out Learn How to Create Defensible Space Around Your Home for more information about defensible space.

What can I do to prevent a fire in my house?

Hardened home

Being prepared can help you prevent a fire. Here are some steps to take:

  • Keep a fire extinguisher in your home and know how to use it
  • Teach children how to stop, drop and roll
  • Install smoke alarms and replace batteries once a year
  • Ensure lamp shades are far enough away from light bulbs
  • Keep flammable liquids away from heat sources

Read The Do's and Don'ts of Home Fire Safety for more info on how to help keep friends and family safe.

What changes can I make to my home to prepare for wildfire season? Hardened home

Making changes to your home can help improve its likelihood of surviving a wildfire. Here are some actions you can take:

  • Replace wood or shingle roofs, siding, fences and decks with ignition-resistant non-flammable materials
  • Cover vent openings with ⅛ to ¼ inch metal mesh
  • Cover chimney openings with ⅜ inch to ½ inch metal mesh
  • Seal doggie doors during fire season
  • Use weather stripping to seal garage doors
  • Install dual-paned windows to reduce chance of breakage
  • Replace missing tiles and shingles
  • Clean out debris from rain gutters
  • Move flammable materials away from your home

Read Learn How to Harden Your Home to Prepare for Wildfires for more on how to harden your home.

How do I avoid kitchen fires? Family in the kitchen cooking together

It’s important to take safety precautions when cooking for holidays. Always call 9-1-1 in the case of a fire, but these steps can help you prevent it:

  • Clean your oven and stove
  • Use turkey fryers outdoors
  • Keep an eye on anything you’re cooking
  • Never store items in your stove
  • Avoid letting children near the kitchen when cooking
  • Ensure your smoke detectors are working properly
  • Place fire extinguishers in accessible locations and ensure they are the appropriate grades

Read Holiday Cooking Safety Tips You Need to Know to keep your holiday season safe and festive.

How do I make a safe campfire?

If a firepit is provided, you should always use it. If one is not available, take these steps:

  • Select a level, open location
  • Stay away from natural fuels such as logs and leaf litter
  • Clear an area at least 10 feet in diameter
  • Scrape away grass, leaves or needles down to the mineral soil
  • Scoop a depression in the center of the cleared area to build the fire
  • Cut wood in short lengths, pile within the cleared area and light the fire
  • Contain the fire with a ring of rocks, making sure it does not get larger than you need
  • Never leave the fire unattended
  • Be prepared to extinguish the fire at any time

Read Five Steps to Camp Safely During Wildfire Season to keep yourself safe while camping.


What should I do to keep my barbecue fire-safe?

To keep your barbecue safe, follow these steps:

  • Set up your barbecue in an open space free of fire fuels
  • Place your barbecue on firm ground
  • Remove excess grease from the grill
  • Keep a fire extinguisher nearby
  • Never leave your grill unattended when in use
  • Know how to turn off your barbecue in an emergency

For more information on barbecue safety, read The Do’s and Don'ts of Barbecue Safety.

Barbecue grill

How should I light up a jack-o-lantern?

Never use a candle to avoid a potential fire hazard, instead opt for a battery-powered light to light up your jack-o-lantern.

For more tips on how to have a safe Halloween, read Be Safe and Smart This Halloween!

How can I keep my Christmas tree from causing a fire?

To keep your Christmas tree safe, examine water levels daily and unplug lights on the tree at night and when you leave home. Also, during the holiday season, keep candles away from flammable decorations and keep lights 10 feet away from power lines.

Read Learn How to Stay Safe This Holiday Season for more tips on how to stay safe during the holiday season.

Christmas light bulb

Are space heaters safe?

Space heaters can be dangerous, but when operated properly, they can be a great way to keep warm this winter. Keep these safety precautions in mind:

  • Never leave a space heater unattended with young children and pets
  • Place space heaters on level, hard and inflammable surfaces
  • Never put objects, like shoes or clothes for drying, on space heaters

Read How to Stay Warm and Safe This Winter for more tips on how to keep warm in cold weather.

Space heater

What should I do if I see a downed power line?

Call 911 if you see a downed power line. It’s important to stay safe around downed power lines. If you see one, keep this in mind:

  • Never touch a downed power line, it may still be live.
  • Keep kids and pets far away from the power line.
  • Do not touch anything or anyone who came in contact with the line.
  • Avoid driving over the downed line.

Read Never Touch a Downed Power Line for more information on downed power line safety.

Downed power line

Can I release balloons into the air?

No! It’s illegal in California to release balloons made of electrically conductive materials outdoors as they can cause fires, outages, and injuries. Opt for non-metallic balloons, secure all balloons at your celebration, be aware of overhead power lines, and never release balloons outside. If you do see a balloon stuck in a powerline, do not try to retrieve it, instead call 9-1-1 and PG&E.

If you’re celebrating with balloons, make sure you do so safely with these tips.

Balloon caught in power lines

Prepare for an Emergency

Prepare for an Emergency

How do I prepare for an emergency?

Check off these steps when creating your emergency plan:

Check off these steps when creating your emergency plan:

Read Emergency Planning Tips Every Californian Should Know for more on how to prepare for an emergency.

What should I pack in my emergency kit?

When packing your emergency kit, be sure to stock up on enough supplies to last a week and refresh them at least once a year. Put them in waterproof containers and store them in a place that’s easy to reach. Here is what to include:

Food and Water

    • Drinking water (1 gallon of water per person, per day)
    • Food (nonperishable and easy to prepare without power)
    • Tools and utensils (non-electric can opener, forks, knives and spoons)
    • Baby/Pet food, if relevant to your family


    • Flashlights
    • Extra batteries (2 sets)
    • Radio (battery-powered or hand-crank weather radio)
    • Mobile phone (include portable charger)

Health and Personal Supplies

    • First Aid Kit, Medication and Eyeglasses (include prescription and non-prescription medication and glasses)
    • Blankets and clothing (warm clothes, sturdy shoes and heavy gloves)
    • Toiletries (soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, etc.)
    • Activities for children (toys, books, games and cards)
    • Cash and credit cards (if possible, put aside at least $100)
    • Important documents (copies of IDs, medical records, pet vaccinations and family photos)
    • Other useful items such as paper towels, trash bags and multi-purpose tool that includes a knife

Backpack used as an emergency kit

What documents should I have in my emergency kit?

Your emergency kit should include identification, medical, financial, and legal documentation. Here’s what you should pack:

  • Personal identification, including birth certificates, driver’s licenses, passports and social security cards, military IDs (if applicable), marriage certificates, and a recent family photo.
  • Medical documents including copies of policy numbers and insurance cards, crucial medical records listing pre-existing conditions, list of prescribed medications for each family member and pet, immunization records and allergy information, and physician names and phone numbers.
  • Financial documents, including insurance information for your home, vehicles and other valuables, tax information (first two pages of previous year’s Federal and State tax returns), and current bank account information and bank contact information.
  • Legal documents including property titles and deeds, naturalization and citizenship documents, and wills, power of attorney and other important documents.
  • Other documents to include are the personal address book and account and contact information for utilities services.

Read Don't Forget Your Documents When Packing for an Emergency to help you prepare documents for emergencies.

Documents in folders and a file cabinet

What should be in a pet emergency kit?

Pets have special needs when it comes to emergencies, so make sure you prepare a go-bag for every member of the family. Here is what you should include:

  • A week’s worth of food
  • A gallon of water
  • Medications and current prescriptions
  • Health and medical records
  • A recent photo of you and your pet together
  • A pet carrier that could hold your pet comfortably for a few days
  • A list of phone numbers of pet-friendly hotels and friends
  • The name, address, and phone number of your veterinarian
  • Proper identification for your pet

For more on how to include your pets in your emergency plans, click Is Your Whole Family Ready for an Emergency?

Dog with a pet carrier

What should I do if I’m concerned a neighbor isn’t prepared for an emergency?

When there is an emergency, the capacity of first responders may be strained. It’s a good idea to be prepared to help your neighbors. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Before an emergency strikes, get to know your neighbors and be aware of those who are elderly, have disabilities or may otherwise need extra help.
  • Work together to make your community more resilient, such as ensuring every structure is protected by defensible space.
  • Find a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training in your local area, learning skills to help your neighborhood in a community.

For more tips on how to help your neighbors, Don't Forget Your Neighbors.

Drawing of person in wheelchair, two senior citizens, a child and a cat

What should I do in an emergency if I live in an apartment building?

If you live in an apartment building, you can take the following steps to prepare for an emergency:

  • Assemble an emergency supply kit and leave it by the door, consider also stocking additional kits in your car and at work
  • Make sure your apartment is stocked with a fire extinguisher and check the valves monthly
  • Find out what your building’s emergency plan is and save the building manager’s number for before and after an emergency
  • Check in with your neighbors to see if they need assistance
  • Plan 2+ emergency escape routes in case one is blocked
  • Figure out if your elevator will operate during a power outage, some will have safe shutdown mechanisms

If you live in an apartment building, read How to Navigate an Emergency or Power Outage in an Apartment Building for more emergency safety tips.

Where can I find emergency tips tailored toward seniors?

The Safety Action Center has articles specifically tailored to seniors. You should always have an emergency plan in place, but this is especially true for older adults and individuals with medical or independent living needs. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Plan escape routes from your homes with accessibility concerns in mind. 
  • Implement a buddy system with family or neighbors to check in on you during emergencies or natural disasters.
  • If you use a medical device that relies on electricity, pre-charge your devices and consider backup power options.
  • Practice opening your garage door manually in case you lose power.
  • Pack your emergency equipment.
  • Practice emergency plans with members of your household, including pets.

For more tips, read Emergency Planning for Seniors.

Two senior citizens with a walker and a cane

How can people with medical disabilities stay safe in an emergency?

People with medical disabilities can take the following steps and measures to stay safe during an emergency:

  • Write down emergency phone numbers and keep them close by.
  • Identify a backup location where you can go if needed.
  • Consider a backup power source, like an electric generator. 
  • Teach those around you how to operate your equipment and backup systems.
  • Label your medical equipment with your name, contact information, and clear instructions on how to operate the equipment. 
  • If you or someone in your family uses a life-support device, contact PG&E about signing up for the Medical Baseline Program.
  • If you use a ventilator, keep a hand-held resuscitation bag on hand. 
  • If you depend on dialysis, check with your provider about their service plans during an emergency.
  • If you use oxygen, ask your provider if a reduced flow rate can be used to extend the life of the system. If possible, have additional oxygen canisters.
  • If you use a motorized wheelchair, have a lightweight manual wheelchair available.

Read Emergency Planning Tips for People Who Rely on Electric or Battery-Dependent Medical Devices for more information on how to stay safe in an emergency with a medical disability.

What do I need in my emergency kit if I am a person with a disability?

In addition to basic necessities, people with disabilities should include the following in their emergency kit:

  • Physical copies of important medical and support information
  • Emergency supply of medications, if supplied by a physician
  • Chemical ice packs and a cooler to chill medicines
  • Extra battery for wheelchairs and battery-operated medical devices
  • Service or support animal supplies and papers

Read A Guide to Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities for more on how to plan for emergencies with a disability

A person with their wrist in a cast, a visually impaired person, and person in a wheelchair

What do I need to do to plan ahead for emergencies as a person with disabilities?

People with disabilities may have special needs in an emergency. You can take these steps to plan ahead:

  • Find backup power options
  • Wear medical bracelets or alert tags
  • Build a network of people who can support you in an emergency
  • Create physical copies of important information, including instructions for your medications and medical devices

For more information on how to prepare an emergency kit, read A Guide to Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities.

Medical device and a motorized wheelchair

What should I do to prepare for an emergency if I have an electric-powered medical device?

Power outages may be serious for people with electricity and battery-dependent medical devices. Take these steps to plan ahead:

  • Write down emergency phone numbers
  • Identify a backup location where you can go if needed
  • Consider a safe backup power source
  • Regularly check that your alternative power source is working properly
  • Teach people you may contact for help on how to operate your equipment and backup power
  • Label equipment with your name, contact information, and instructions on how to operate

For more information on how to prepare for an emergency when you have a medical device, read Emergency Planning Tips for People Who Rely on Electric or Battery Dependent Medical Devices.

Fire Safety

Be Ready for an Evacuation

How can I prepare for an evacuation?

It’s important to plan ahead in case of an emergency. Here is how you can prepare for the possibility of an evacuation:

  • Create an emergency plan for you and your entire family and make sure everyone understands it
  • Identify multiple evacuation routes and places you can go or stay during an emergency
  • Designate an out-of-state contact to help relay information in the event your family is separated
  • Find out if your area has a high-low siren and familiarize yourself with the sound
  • Assemble a go-bag emergency kit, and remember you may have to carry it on foot
  • If you have a car, keep at least a half tank of gas in it at all times

For more steps on what to do in an evacuation, read Be Ready for an Evacuation.

Evacuation checklist

What should I do before I evacuate?

If you have advance notice of evacuation, you should take these steps before you leave:

  • Grab important documents and irreplaceable items
  • Wear protective clothing
  • Close and lock the windows and doors of your home
  • Unplug electric equipment and small appliances
  • Leave a note telling others when you left and where you are going
  • Check in on elderly or disabled neighbors

Read Be Ready for an Evacuation for more on how to prepare for an evacuation.

Flash drive, wedding ring, and passport

What should I keep in mind while I’m evacuating?

During an evacuation, it’s important to follow the directions of authorities, avoid hazards such as downed power lines and listen to your radio for information and updates.

Check out Be Ready for an Evacuation for more on how to prepare for an evacuation.

Police officer next to a safety cone

How do I sign up for emergency alerts?

You can sign up for PG&E alerts under Profile & Alerts in your online PG&E account. You can view an informative video on how to sign up here. Additionally, most local governments and public safety agencies offer their own alert services.

To find out more about resources and a list of some local alert service providers, read Resources for Californians Affected by the Public Safety Power Shutoff.

A phone displaying an alert from PG&E

Fire Safety

Prepare for Gas Leaks

What are the signs of a gas leak?

If you find a gas leak, leave the area immediately, call 911 to notify emergency personnel and then PG&E at 1-800-743-5000. These are signs of a gas leak:

  • The smell of sulfur or rotten eggs
  • A hissing or whistling sound from a gas appliance or underground
  • A gas cloud
  • Dead or dry vegetation in a usually moist area
  • Continuous bubbling in a pond or creek

For information on what to do when you notice a gas leak, read Keep Yourself Safe from a Gas Leak.

Leaking gas pipe

What should I do if I smell gas?

Alert everyone in your household and go to a safe location, then call 911 and lastly, your utility provider. You can call PG&E at 1-800-743-5000. Do not light any matches or other ignition sources.

Learn more about what to do in the event of a gas leak by reading Keep Yourself Safe from a Gas Leak.

A nose smelling gas

What are the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning?

If you are experiencing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, call 911. Some of the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning are shortness of breath, fatigue, headaches, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, confusion, dizziness or light-headedness, vertigo, loss of physical coordination, breathlessness, and muscle spasms.

Learn what to do if you experience these warning signs by reading Learn About the Dangers of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

What do I do if I think I’ve been exposed to carbon monoxide?

Get into fresh air and call 911 for emergency medical help immediately.

Read more about how to spot carbon monoxide poisoning by reading Learn About the Dangers of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

Person dialing 9-1-1

What are common sources of carbon monoxide?

Gasoline engines running in closed garages, portable generators inside homes, fuel-burning space heaters, water heaters with improper ventings, and blocked chimneys or vent pipes.

Protect your household from carbon monoxide exposure with these tips from Learn About the Dangers of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

Portable power generator

How can I protect my house from carbon monoxide poisoning?

Take these steps to protect your household from carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • Never use products inside the home that create dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, such as generators, outdoor grills and propane heaters
  • Install an approved carbon monoxide detector on every floor, near sleeping and common areas. Test them twice a year, change batteries and adhere to expiration dates
  • Have a qualified professional regularly inspect and maintain heating systems and fuel-burning appliances
  • Always open the flue when using fireplaces inside
  • Never run a vehicle or a fuel-burning appliance in an enclosed space

Read more on how to spot carbon monoxide poisoning here.

Carbon monoxide gas

Do I need to do anything before I dig on my property?

Yes! Always call 811 before you dig. A representative will visit to mark gas and electrical line locations for free, keeping you and your family safe and avoiding costly repairs.

Man digging in yard

Fire Safety

Plan for Power Outages

What is a flex alert?

A flex alert is a voluntary call on customers to reduce their energy usage when there is an anticipated energy shortage in the state, helping to avoid power outages.

Read Here’s What to Do During a Flex Alert for more information on flex alerts.

Air conditioner with temperature-setting remote

What causes a flex alert?

Flex alerts tend to be issued in the following conditions:

  • Extremely hot weather driving up usage
  • Unplanned power plant outages
  • Fires that threaten transmission lines
  • Humid weather and heat storms

Read Here’s What to Do During a Flex Alert for more on how to prepare for flex alerts.

Flex thermostat set to 78 degrees

What should I do when there’s a flex alert?
  • Before the flex alert starts, do the following:
    • Lower thermostats before 4pm to pre-cool 
    • Close blinds to keep the sun out
    • Turn off lights
  • During the flex alert, from 4-9pm:
    • Set thermostats to 78
    • Avoid using all major appliances (dishwashers, ovens, etc.)
    • Turn off appliances you are not using

For more information on flex alerts, read Here's What to Do During a Flex Alert.

How should I prepare my small business for a power outage?

As a business owner, your emergency plan should include not only yourself, but also your employees, customers and product. Here are the steps you should take to prepare:

  • Establish and practice a clear emergency plan with all employees
  • Familiarize your employees with emergency equipment
  • Ensure emergency equipment is tested and easily accessible to employees
  • Purchase a surge protector to guard against equipment damage
  • Have a data backup plan with offsite storage in case of physical damage
  • Ensure you are able to take mobile payments and keep accurate records while the power is out
  • Know how long perishable foods can be stored in the event of a power outage, and consider a backup food storage plan
  • Create an emergency kit to support all employees and customers if a power outage occurs during peak business hours

Read What Every Business Needs to Know to Prepare for a PSPS to learn more about preparing your business for a power outage.

Coffee shop exterior

How can I keep my business running during a power outage?

Business owners can follow these steps to prepare for a power outage:

  • Purchase a surge protector to guard against equipment damage
  • Prepare a data backup plan, backing up daily and storing offsite in case of physical damage
  • Utilize mobile payment and record-keeping systems
  • Plan a backup location to store perishable goods

Read What Every Business Needs to Know to Prepare for a PSPS for more information on what businesses should do in a power outage.

Surge protector

How do I prepare for a Public Safety Power Shutoff?

There are a number of steps you can take to prepare for a power shutoff, here’s what you should do beforehand:

  • Fully charge your mobile phone and add a portable battery to your emergency kit
  • Practice operating your garage door manually
  • Fill your car’s tank with gas, or charge electric vehicles
  • Keep cash, including small bills, on hand

For more tips on how to prepare for a power shutoff, read Tips to Prepare for a Power Outage.

Phone with portable charger

What should I do during a Public Safety Power Shutoff?

Here are the steps you should take when you are experiencing a power shutoff:

  • Keep refrigerators and freezers closed
  • Turn off electronics
  • Use alternate plans for refrigerating medications and powering medical devices
  • Go to a community location with power
  • Afterwards, throw away food that has been exposed to temperatures 40 degrees and higher for more than 2 hours and medications which require refrigeration if the power has been out for more than the time allotted in its instructions.

Learn more about power shutoffs in Tips to Prepare for a Power Outage.

Power shutoff supplies

What backup power source should I buy?

There are a few things you should consider when deciding what kind of backup power source to use in your home:

  • What are your energy needs? Your power needs to support the necessary equipment.
  • Do you have fuel preferences? Gasoline, propane and solar are all options - you may want to consider affordability, environmental concerns, and storage in your decision.
  • Are there installation requirements? A permanent standby generator or rechargeable battery system needs to be installed by a professional.

For more information on backup power sources, read Have You Considered a Backup Power Option for Your Home?

What is an alternative to a generator?

Portable power stations and rechargeable home battery systems are alternatives to generators. Portable power stations operate with less noise and fumes than a generator, and a rechargeable battery system can provide your home power within milliseconds of an outage.

Read Have You Considered a Backup Power Option for Your Home? for more about backup power sources.

Backup power generator

How do I operate a backup power source safely?

Do not exceed the capacity of your source, use properly sized extension cords, ensure fuel-burning generators have proper ventilation, and never connect a generator to another power source.

Learn more tips on backup power sources in Have You Considered a Backup Power Option for Your Home?

Natural Disasters

Safeguard Against Natural Disasters

How do I prepare my home for an earthquake?

Take these steps to prepare your home for an earthquake:

  • Rearrange your shelves so heavier items are at the bottom
  • Shift beds away from windows in case they shatter
  • Secure swinging doors and cabinets with Velcro to prevent them from flying open
  • Assess minor faults in your home’s structure and if found, coat with drywall
  • Trim trees close to your property
  • Anchor valuable items, swapping out nails
  • Attach heavy items like refrigerators, bookcases and water heaters to the wall

For more tips on earthquake preparedness, read 5 Tips to Earthquake-Proof Your Home.

How do I keep my home safe during heavy rainfall?

Follow these tips to keep your family safe in the event of a heavy rainstorm:

  • Start with the roof. Stop leaks and look for ways to seal your home. Consider having your roof inspected before winter.
  • Look around your home for potential hazards or problems. Cut or trim low-hanging tree limbs. Look for areas that may cause drainage damage. Secure outside furniture and garbage cans. Do not touch a power line if it goes down, instead call 911. 
  • Stay prepared by stocking an emergency kit with non-perishables. Practice an evacuation plan. Prepare for power outages by charging cell phones and laptops. Consider buying sandbags to create a barrier to guard your home. 

Read How to Keep Your Home Safe During Heavy Rainfall for more information on rainstorm safety.

What should I do when there is poor air quality?

Wildfire smoke, soot and emissions can cause poor air quality, especially during the summer months. Here is what to do when the air quality is poor:

  • Stay inside with windows and doors closed
  • Avoid prolonged or heavy exertion
  • Check on your family, friends and neighbors, especially those in sensitive groups
  • Move to a location with clean, filtered air
  • Set air conditioners to re-circulate
  • Consider purchasing a HEPA air purifier
  • Stay hydrated with water
  • Avoid activities which create air pollution, like lawn mowing and barbecuing
  • Use an N-95 respirator mask

Read How to Stay Safe From Hazardous Air Quality to learn more about hazardous air quality.

Houses on a street where there is poor air quality

What are ways to keep cool during a heat wave?

Find air conditioning if you don’t have it at home, like at your local library, community center, movie theater, or shopping mall.

  • Stay hydrated by drinking fluids, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine.
  • Stay indoors, but if you have to be outside, find shade and take frequent breaks.
  • Avoid strenuous and high-energy activities.
  • Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, and light-colored clothing.

Learn more about how to stay cool in a heat wave by reading Top 11 Tips to Keep You Cool During a Heat Wave.

A thermometer showing high temperatures

What do beach flags mean?

Beach flags indicate surf conditions to beachgoers. Here’s what each one means:

  • Double red flags: Water is closed to the public.
  • Red flag: Rough conditions and currents.
  • Yellow flag: Medium hazard, moderately strong surf and currents.
  • Green flag: Water conditions are calm.
  • Purple flag: Indicates marine life which could cause minor injuries.

Read Keep Your Time at the Beach Fun and Safe for more on beach safety.

Beach flag indicating surf conditions

What should I do if I get stuck in a rip current?

If you are caught in a rip current, stay calm. Attempt to swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current. You can also float and signal to a lifeguard you are in danger.

If you’re headed to the beach, check out Keep Your Time at the Beach Fun and Safe.

Additional Resources

Additional Resources

What can 211 help me with?

Calling 211 will connect you with a trained professional who can connect you with resources and support. They can help you:

  • Make an emergency plan
  • Find local backup power resources
  • Locate accessible hotel and transportation accommodations
  • Find food and meal resources
  • Identify other programs you may need, like bill assistance

To learn more about how 211 can help you, read Find Local Resources and Support with 211.

211 logo

Which programs can help me lower my energy bills?

There are a number of programs available that will help you lower your energy bills and save money:

  • CARE: Provides monthly discounts on gas and electric rates for income-qualified households.
  • FERA: Provides monthly discount on electric rates for income-qualifying households of 3+ people.
  • LIHEAP: Provides a one-time payment of up to $1,000 in household energy costs for income-qualified households.
  • Medical Baseline: Residential customers requiring electric-powered medical equipment may qualify for lower rates.

For more on how to access these resources, read Learn How to Lower Your Energy Bills if You Are Facing Economic Hardship.

How do I know if something is a scam or if I’m being contacted by PG&E?

Scams can target you on and offline. Here are some common types to keep in mind:

  • Fraudulent calls may appear as PG&E in the caller ID. They may ask for payment in unconventional ways, such as gift cards, threaten to shut off the power if payment isn’t made soon, ask for social security, credit card or PG&E account number, or claim to be PG&E to gain access to your home
  • Email scams may send false bills requiring immediate attention and personal information. Do not click on any links or attachments and never reply to the email
  • In-person scams may include people pretending to be a company employee and trying to gain access to your home. Always ask for identification before letting them in, and if you are still unsure, call 1-800-743-5000 to confirm if PG&E is conducting visits in your area

If you think you have encountered a scam, learn how to report it here.

A computer with the word "scam" on the monitor

What should I do if I’m not sure if I’m talking to PG&E or a scammer?

If you feel unsure you’re talking to a PG&E agent, call 1-800-743-5000 to confirm. PG&E will never ask for financial information over the phone.

Read more on How to Protect Yourself from Scams.

A scammer using a fishing pole to extract personal information

What should I do if I encounter a suspicious email that claims to be from PG&E?

Report suspicious emails to

For more information on how to protect yourself from scams, read Protecting Yourself From Scams.